Henry Tempo One issues
(too old to reply)
2017-11-14 18:30:18 UTC
Hi Group
KB8QEU - Ed here.

I have a Henry Tempo One that was working till the following happened....
Powered on, as usual.
Bottom Right swithch in center mode (I call it listen or receive mode).
After an hour of warming up, swith said switch up to "Transmit ready mode".

Then audio died, meter went to about S4.24, no rf transmitted and heard
a relay kick in.

A friend has it right now looking for a tube tester.

He thinks it might be the PSU/Speaker unit, but he is not sure.

Folks, please advise, and ask me if more info is needed, if ya can!

My ability to work on radios has dimished greatly recently.

Thank you in advance
Seven Three
Scott Dorsey
2017-11-14 21:04:45 UTC
Post by KB8QEU
Hi Group
KB8QEU - Ed here.
I have a Henry Tempo One that was working till the following happened....
Powered on, as usual.
Bottom Right swithch in center mode (I call it listen or receive mode).
After an hour of warming up, swith said switch up to "Transmit ready mode".
Then audio died, meter went to about S4.24, no rf transmitted and heard
a relay kick in.
That's a rebadged Yaesu FT-200.

So, you had the mode switch in receive, and you set it to operate. That
is S6 on the schematic. That applies B+ to a bunch of the transmit stages.
Likely one of them is shorted.

Your goal now is to find out which one.
Post by KB8QEU
A friend has it right now looking for a tube tester.
Why? That's the most useless thing possible for this kind of problem.
What you need is a continuity tester and some patience.
Post by KB8QEU
He thinks it might be the PSU/Speaker unit, but he is not sure.
I doubt it, but it's possible. An ammeter will tell you, or just hanging
a big power resistor off the thing. If the power supply is failed, you
will likely see low voltages with any kind of load.

Does this thing have the original electrolytics in it?
Post by KB8QEU
Folks, please advise, and ask me if more info is needed, if ya can!
My ability to work on radios has dimished greatly recently.
Check the switch and the relay for signs of breakdown also.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."