QRZ Forums - "Boat Anchor" & Classic Equipment for Tuesday 7 March 2017
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QRZ.com via rec.radio.info Admin
2017-03-07 16:32:58 UTC
"Boat Anchor" & Classic Equipment

New Ham and Old Rig, what can (will) possibly (probably) go wrong??

Posted: 07 Mar 2017 08:31 AM PST


Im a brand new ham (still waiting for my call, in fact) setting up his
first shack. For reasons of budget and because I like old stuff that works,
Ive got a TS-820s on its way, sold as tested good but with the well known
display bug. I also have an Ebay special cheap dynamic mic, rewired for
the Kenwood keying system, and a 300 watt MFJ dummy load. I know, its MFJ,
but can you really screw up a dummy load??? Next time I go to town Ill get
antenna on a spool.

In the...

New Ham and Old Rig, what can (will) possibly (probably) go wrong??
Scott Dorsey
2017-03-07 23:19:42 UTC
Post by QRZ.com via rec.radio.info Admin
"Boat Anchor" & Classic Equipment
What is with this rebroadcast? It is kind of annoying to see messages from
qrz forums that we cannot reply to here.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."
Michael Black
2017-03-08 00:31:21 UTC
Post by Scott Dorsey
Post by QRZ.com via rec.radio.info Admin
"Boat Anchor" & Classic Equipment
What is with this rebroadcast? It is kind of annoying to see messages from
qrz forums that we cannot reply to here.
It's just a variant of the blog repostings.

But note the headers, they aren't posting to .moderated, just here and
.info .info used to be for "write only" posts, informational things like
faqs. Now they seem to be abusing it, adding these. I'm not sure how
they make the distinction between these and the blog repostings, but
somehow they do.

I think it's time for a moderator recall, though I'm not sure these are
actually coming through the same channels.

Jerry Stuckle
2017-03-08 00:29:10 UTC
Post by Scott Dorsey
Post by QRZ.com via rec.radio.info Admin
"Boat Anchor" & Classic Equipment
What is with this rebroadcast? It is kind of annoying to see messages from
qrz forums that we cannot reply to here.
It's a weak attempt by panix to create traffic in this and other
newsgroups. They have to repost blogs because they've driven about all
of the real traffic away.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry, AI0K
Scott Dorsey
2017-03-08 01:29:13 UTC
Post by Jerry Stuckle
Post by Scott Dorsey
Post by QRZ.com via rec.radio.info Admin
"Boat Anchor" & Classic Equipment
What is with this rebroadcast? It is kind of annoying to see messages from
qrz forums that we cannot reply to here.
It's a weak attempt by panix to create traffic in this and other
newsgroups. They have to repost blogs because they've driven about all
of the real traffic away.
Panix? Panix is just an ISP. I have no idea who ***@panix.com is but
they are only a Panix customer. I doubt Panix has any idea about this.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."
Jerry Stuckle
2017-03-08 02:10:56 UTC
Post by Scott Dorsey
Post by Jerry Stuckle
Post by Scott Dorsey
Post by QRZ.com via rec.radio.info Admin
"Boat Anchor" & Classic Equipment
What is with this rebroadcast? It is kind of annoying to see messages from
qrz forums that we cannot reply to here.
It's a weak attempt by panix to create traffic in this and other
newsgroups. They have to repost blogs because they've driven about all
of the real traffic away.
they are only a Panix customer. I doubt Panix has any idea about this.
No, it is not just an ISP. The people at the ISP who are moderators of
the moderated group and are posting all this stuff to the amateur radio
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
Michael Black
2017-03-08 05:05:57 UTC
Post by Scott Dorsey
Post by Jerry Stuckle
Post by Scott Dorsey
Post by QRZ.com via rec.radio.info Admin
"Boat Anchor" & Classic Equipment
What is with this rebroadcast? It is kind of annoying to see messages from
qrz forums that we cannot reply to here.
It's a weak attempt by panix to create traffic in this and other
newsgroups. They have to repost blogs because they've driven about all
of the real traffic away.
they are only a Panix customer. I doubt Panix has any idea about this.
Panix is just the system they use to insert things into usenet.

IN order to set up the moderation of a newsgroup, they have to set up the
software and run it somewhere (either that or set up a server and do it
yourself) so there are some ISPs from the old days that are more viable
for this, since they are from the old days when usenet was important.

The rec.radio Cabal I think started because of rec.radio.info. I don't
know when that started, but as I said in another reply, it's there for
informational posts related to radio and the hierarchy. So all the
various amateur radio society bulletins would fit there, as well as faqs
and any "broadcast" type posts (ie no expectation of replies). In the old
days, it was common for a newsgroup to have repetitive posts that changed
incrementally, but which were posted monthly or weekly, like faqs and
sometimes intros to the newsgroup. rec.radio.shortwave still has a
monthly post about using the phone wire as a shortwave antenna, something
that's been posted "forever".

So if you have a "post only" newsgroup, it's easier to find those posts.
They might also get crossposted to full newsgroups.

Now I don't know which came first, the Cabal doing that, or their having a
self-inflated sense of themselves. But they tried to moderate things over
time, I vaguely recall some early attempt at getting moderation (but maybe
I just read about it after the fact). And there was a period when there
was a bot, I thought set up by the Cabal, to email a greeting to an email
address the first time it was used on a post to one of the
rec.radio.amateur.* newsgroups. I know there was flack at some point, but
either we get no new members, or that bot stopped operating a long time

But the notion was similar to how they operate now, behind the scenes.
They think they are helping the hierarchy, but all they can do is post
junk from elsewhere (or sometimes posts from the past), rather than be
participants in the newsgroups. Sending an email greeting to a first time
poster does seem like hiding behind the scenes, they could just post a
reply to the newsgroup like everyone else.

SO once they had success in getting a moderated newsgroup, they felt that
gave them 'authority" so they started the spewing of the blog and
information posts to the rest of the hierarchy. If they simply talked in
the moderated newsgroup, they might actually succeed in getting discussion
going there, but their whole routine is to operate behind the scenes. And
of coruse not caring what real participants to the newsgroups think about
the spew.

SO apparently the blog posts weren't enough, now they are grabbing
questions from elsewhere and spewing them here, in effect spam since it's
like advertising for those forums. It's not like we can reply.

Either those forum posters should be here, or the spew stopped.

The Cabal uses various methods of injecting into the newsgroups, something
I noticed right away with these forum reposts.

The blog reposts come from this form:
SSDN via rec.radio.amateur.moderated Admin

which perhaps is legit, they want to play dictator over at moderated so
let them spew whatever they want. But that doesn't give them the right or
permission to spew across newsgroups. They keep posting that post about
how crossposting is permitted, but never asked us if we want crossposting
to here.

When these forum posts first appeared, they were coming via
QRZ.com via rec.radio.info Admin <rec-radio-info-***@panix.com>
and were crossposted between here and rec.radio.info, though they didn't
belong there either. Now it's been "fixed", they moved to the
rec-radio-amateur-moderated-***@panix.com email address and
crossposting is between .moderated and one of the other newsgroups.

I though I missed some variable there, but dont' see the other possibility

I thought there was an incident where one blogger complained about showing
up here, but since one is supposed to email that address, I'm not sure.
But it's all coming because of the Cabal.

