Heathkit IO-30 Manual
(too old to reply)
Michael Breeman
2010-12-14 21:49:22 UTC
Require a complete service/construction manual for a Heathkit IO-3
Oscilloscope. Also interested in a 5BP1 crt for this instrument, must b
in VGC and both will be required to be posted to Australia

Michael Breeman
2010-12-15 20:41:30 UTC
the io-30 seems te replace the io-12
maybe you can try that manual at this site below.
Require a complete service/construction manual for a Heathkit IO-30
Oscilloscope. Also interested in a 5BP1 crt for this instrument, must be
in VGC and both will be required to be posted to Australia.
Michael Breeman
Jeevun Vethanayagam
2016-06-23 04:36:22 UTC
Post by pa5tig
the io-30 seems te replace the io-12
maybe you can try that manual at this site below.
Require a complete service/construction manual for a Heathkit IO-30
Oscilloscope. Also interested in a 5BP1 crt for this instrument, must be
in VGC and both will be required to be posted to Australia.
Michael Breeman

Some schematics which may or may not be helpful. Includes power supply schematic for IO-30.
2010-12-15 20:43:17 UTC
This site is more to the point..
Require a complete service/construction manual for a Heathkit IO-30
Oscilloscope. Also interested in a 5BP1 crt for this instrument, must be
in VGC and both will be required to be posted to Australia.
Michael Breeman
Scott Dorsey
2010-12-15 21:36:19 UTC
Post by pa5tig
This site is more to the point..
Require a complete service/construction manual for a Heathkit IO-30
Oscilloscope. Also interested in a 5BP1 crt for this instrument, must be
in VGC and both will be required to be posted to Australia.
1. Most of the Heathkit scopes are very similar inside and a manual for one
will apply to most of them.

2. The power transformer has failed. The HV winding is bad.

3. If the power transformer has not failed, it will fail soon.

4. Replacement CRTs are very common, because so many of these scopes are
thrown away when the power transformer fails.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."
2010-12-16 05:05:44 UTC
Post by Scott Dorsey
2. The power transformer has failed. The HV winding is bad.
3. If the power transformer has not failed, it will fail soon.
When the transformer on my precious Goldstar oscilloscope failed and no
replacement was available (what a surprise!), I was faced with hanging two
three transformers externally. . . . .or rewind. Bit the bullet and
patiently unwrapped
and rewound the failed one. Five windings with three different size wire.
Miserable job,
but it did finally fit in it's case and except for a little hummummmumm,
seems to work

Scott Dorsey
2010-12-16 14:31:02 UTC
Post by coffelt2
Post by Scott Dorsey
2. The power transformer has failed. The HV winding is bad.
3. If the power transformer has not failed, it will fail soon.
When the transformer on my precious Goldstar oscilloscope failed and no
replacement was available (what a surprise!), I was faced with hanging two
three transformers externally. . . . .or rewind. Bit the bullet and
patiently unwrapped
and rewound the failed one. Five windings with three different size wire.
Miserable job,
but it did finally fit in it's case and except for a little hummummmumm,
seems to work
The Heathkit ones usually lose the HV winding which is teeny tiny wire and
a real pain to work with, BUT the good news is that it's the outside winding
so you only have to unwrap that instead of all the whole thing. I suspect
the worst quality magnet wire available today is better than the stuff
Heathkit used by a long shot.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."