Amateur Radio
(too old to reply)
Gareth's Downstairs Computer
2018-09-14 12:44:57 UTC
Amateur Radio, AKA Ham Radio, whether on the air or over the
Internet, is a technical pursuit for gentlemanly grown-ups
in which children and childish outbursts have no place.

Operating is not the main purpose and only comes to evaluate
technical improvements to the station.

Those lacking technical motivation, such as even the most
fundamental capability of evaluating impedances in series
and / or parallel configurations, have no place in amateur radio.

Above all else, amateur radio is NOT a numbers game played to
fill as many seats as is possible.

(10 Marks)
2018-09-14 16:10:28 UTC
Post by Gareth's Downstairs Computer
Amateur Radio, AKA Ham Radio, whether on the air or over the
Internet, is a technical pursuit for gentlemanly grown-ups
in which children and childish outbursts have no place.
So in your world view there is no room in amateur radio for either females
or young people, i.e. you are both a misogynist and a misopedist.
Jim Pennino
Gareth's Downstairs Computer
2018-09-14 16:28:38 UTC
Post by j***@specsol.spam.sux.com
Post by Gareth's Downstairs Computer
Amateur Radio, AKA Ham Radio, whether on the air or over the
Internet, is a technical pursuit for gentlemanly grown-ups
in which children and childish outbursts have no place.
So in your world view there is no room in amateur radio for either females
or young people, i.e. you are both a misogynist and a misopedist.
Stupid boy.
2018-09-14 16:38:00 UTC
Post by Gareth's Downstairs Computer
Post by j***@specsol.spam.sux.com
Post by Gareth's Downstairs Computer
Amateur Radio, AKA Ham Radio, whether on the air or over the
Internet, is a technical pursuit for gentlemanly grown-ups
in which children and childish outbursts have no place.
So in your world view there is no room in amateur radio for either females
or young people, i.e. you are both a misogynist and a misopedist.
Stupid boy.
Senile geezer.
Jim Pennino
Jim GM4DHJ ...
2018-09-14 16:54:42 UTC
Proud to be a known trouble maker ...
"Gareth's Downstairs Computer"
Post by Gareth's Downstairs Computer
In rec.radio.amateur.antenna Gareth's Downstairs Computer
Post by Gareth's Downstairs Computer
Amateur Radio, AKA Ham Radio, whether on the air or over the
Internet, is a technical pursuit for gentlemanly grown-ups
in which children and childish outbursts have no place.
So in your world view there is no room in amateur radio for either females
or young people, i.e. you are both a misogynist and a misopedist.
Stupid boy.
a boy is a child.....did you just prove what he said ? .....

Jim GM4DHJ ...
2018-09-14 16:53:51 UTC
Proud to be a known trouble maker ...
In rec.radio.amateur.antenna Gareth's Downstairs Computer
Post by Gareth's Downstairs Computer
Amateur Radio, AKA Ham Radio, whether on the air or over the
Internet, is a technical pursuit for gentlemanly grown-ups
in which children and childish outbursts have no place.
So in your world view there is no room in amateur radio for either females
or young people, i.e. you are both a misogynist and a misopedist.
you say that as if they were bad things .......