(too old to reply)
David Cohen
2021-04-05 16:28:15 UTC
Anyone have a junk Globe Scout? All I need is a final tank coil.

Scott Dorsey
2021-04-07 11:46:12 UTC
Post by David Cohen
Anyone have a junk Globe Scout? All I need is a final tank coil.
The manual says:

"The oscillator and final coils may also be wound by the builder as follows:
Oscillator coil, L2 - 72 turns of #28 enameled wire closewound on 1" form
with taps at 45 turns and 61 turns. The final coil, L3, has 82 turns of #22
enameled wire on 1" form with the first 60 turns closewound, tapped at 30th
and 60th turn. Then wind 14 turns on 3/4" space with tap at 14th turn,
then 4 turns on 3/8" space with tap at 4th turn, then another 4 turns on
3/8" space."

Get yourself some #22 wire from an old motor or transformer and a 1" dowel
from the hardware store. Wrap a little brown paper from a grocery bag
over the dowel. Put two windings over the paper, being sure to bare off
spots for taps, Varnish with Q-dope (or dissolve styrofoam cups in
toluene and use that mixture) and you soon will be 5-9 on all bands.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."