hammarlund hq 145a recap question
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Fernan Bolando
2019-10-23 14:15:22 UTC
hi all

i recently acquired a hammarlund hq145a receiver. i started doing the cleaning
and was going
to start replacing the capacitors. it looks someone already replaced the
couplet and the
electrolytic seems to be fairly new. is there a way to verify the partnumbers
to make sure
they are actually newish versions and need not be replaced.

i checked for leakage between b+ ground, b+ filament, and b+ cathode. they all
seem ok.
so i risked it and plugged it in. seems to work fine no smoke, no hum , audio
seem clear
transformers etc seems cool.

Scott Dorsey
2019-10-23 14:52:18 UTC
Post by Fernan Bolando
i recently acquired a hammarlund hq145a receiver. i started doing the cleaning
and was going
to start replacing the capacitors. it looks someone already replaced the
couplet and the
electrolytic seems to be fairly new. is there a way to verify the partnumbers
to make sure
they are actually newish versions and need not be replaced.
You can measure leakage and ESR on the electrolytic and you can
inspect the paper capacitors. The paper caps should have been replaced
with modern film caps and if that is the case it doesn't really matter when
it was done since the film caps will last almost indefinitely.

If you're not seeing black beauties in there, look up one or two of the
part numbers on google and see what you get.
Post by Fernan Bolando
i checked for leakage between b+ ground, b+ filament, and b+ cathode. they all
seem ok.
so i risked it and plugged it in. seems to work fine no smoke, no hum , audio
seem clear
transformers etc seems cool.
Tune to 3.725 MHz and wait for further instructions.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."