Post by Paul PPost by Scott DorseyPost by Paul PCan anyone point me to a source for the 16 volt bayonet pilot lamps use to
protect the receive circuit of the Yaesu FT-101?
What's the number on them?
That would be easy and a lamp number is one of the first things I looked for
:~) But this lamp only has volts and amps stamped on the base (at least
that is what was embossed. Not all the characters took.). It does have 16v
at 0.15 amps clearly embossed. There is no number in the Yaesu parts list
I have a 1972 Chicago Miniature Lamp catalogue here and I see a lot of 14V
and 18V lamps but nothing in-between.
I'd suggest replacing it with a 14V 0.15V lamp like a 1488 (which is a full-
size bayonet) or a 14V 0.12A mini bayonet like an 1892. That will cause
it to limit current at a lower level than before, but that gives you a
little more safety margin.
I'd be curious how the original one failed, though.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."